When it comes to yoga, I don't really know what I'm doing. I was slow to get on the yoga bandwagon (or the any-kind-of-exercise bandwagon; see early posts for more information on my lengthy sedentary thrift-stores-and-vodka phase). I've taken a handful of yoga-type classes at the YWCA and the place where I take dance classes. But I definitely don't have "a practice." I don't know what any of the poses are called--I usually just find someone who looks like they know what they're doing and take it from there. And I don't really pay attention to the "spiritual" stuff; I'm just there to get stretched out.
I figured today wouldn't be too bad--the class was super crowded, so there was no way anyone was going to pay much attention to me. I settled onto my borrowed yoga mat over near the wall. The room was virtually silent--I thought of some gossip I wanted to tell Anna, but felt too self-conscious to even whisper anything, so I kept quiet.
Soon the class started with a bunch of breathing. That was fine. But then the instructor informed us that we would soon be required to start "chanting." She started the chant, and soon, the entire room joined in. As far as I could tell, it was a group sing-along--not the droning melody-less noise I imagine when I hear the word "chant." Despite the fact that I was supposed to be "letting go of tension" and that sort of thing, my muscles immediately seized up. I'm completely neurotic about singing--I just can't do it in public.
Although my eyes were supposed to be closed, I discreetly attempted to look at my neighbors to see if anyone else was opting out. At least it looked like the instructor had her eyes closed--I didn't want her to think I was "dissing" her by not singing. But I just can't get into that.
After the class, Anna asked me what I thought. I told her I liked the class...and sort of trailed off. She said she liked it too, but that she hated chanting, and that she felt bad about not doing it, but not bad enough to cave in. Suddenly, I felt much better. I totally hate chanting. Although the point of this "column" is to do things that make me uncomfortable, I think I might have to draw the line at chanting in yoga class.
Verdict: Although I'm sure it's great for some people, I just can't get into chanting during yoga class. However, the experience wasn't so negative that I ran screaming for the door--I actually allowed myself to be talked into purchasing the introductory one-month unlimited class card. I'll probably be proudly chanting by the end of January.